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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Introducing Aidan Daniel Winkler

God is good indeed! Tuesday, April 28, our little family was so graciously blessed with our second son, Aidan. He is a beautiful, healthy, happy little boy- with lots of dark hair and dark eyes.

David has claimed him as a true Winkler, arriving speedily and precisely on time. We knew he would arrive quickly as Aidan had been riding low for so long, so when Serena woke up around 1am on Tuesday morning with contractions (a little stronger than the ones she woke up with for Alexander) already around 5 minutes apart, we didn't waste too much time getting ready to go. After her shower and a few last minute packings, we arrived at the hospital shortly after 2:30am at 5 centimeters. 20 minutes later at 7cm they decided to move her from triage to be admitted. We did take the epidural when we arrived upstairs to settle in for a more relaxing labor, and a little 'rest.' Less than three hours later, Aidan made his introductions to the world.


Getting Ready for Two

The past couple of weeks we've embarked upon prepping the house for two little boys. We decided to have both boys share the nursery and keep our guest bedroom- at least until they're a little older. We moved the new crib in there and the rocking chair out into the loft for a more neutral territory for middle of the night soothings. We got a dresser for the closet and a couple of months ago David installed a shelving unit for double the clothing. Serena was pretty skeptical at first about having Alexander share his space and fitting two little lives into the smaller of the rooms in the house, but it's turned into quite a cozy space- complete with a little reading hideout that Alexander loves. Often he talks about "Baby sleep in Zahzah's room" and has tossed a few of his treasures into his crib from time to time "for baby." "Baby come soon" we say. We're ready for you!


Going on an Egg Hunt...

We enjoyed a very nice Sunday this Easter Weekend. We hadn't really hyped it up or even done much planning, but Mama had picked up a couple bags of plastic eggs (see notes from "First Easter" ) earlier in the week, and we'd colored some stickers for a 'Thankful' project to hide in some of them. With Alexander's passion for eggs, M&M's and Hide and Seek, how could we deny him the sheer ecstasy of an outdoor hunt? So we brought out treasures over to Nana's house after nap, and David made a little get-away for backyard hiding while Nana put the finishing touches on a very scrum-diddly-umptious supper. Mama had told Alexander earlier in the day that we were going to have a little hunt for some treasures at Nana's house that evening, and so when we arrived and he spied something tucked in the bookshelf (Nana had hid some egg treasures too- Serena's first Easter egg from 1979 and a few other favorites) he at first curled up his shoulders and a shy smile crept over his face. "Did you find something?" said Nana. He pointed and grinned. But when his turn came and the backdoor was opened, he knew just what to do. He bopped about the yard (with a little direction) and picked up the sparkly eggs filled with stickers, M&Ms, animal crackers, or cereal squares and piled them high in his basket. Later after supper, Nana had hid a few more with some change in his room, and he conquered those as well with a game of hot & cold. He wanted to do it all again but we told him he should hide them for Mama & Papa. He hid four while we closed our eyes. When it came time to look for them, he promptly scurried to retrieve them all and give them to Papa. "Hide the eggs again!" he said. It was a beautiful day with beautiful weather and good fun with family. Praise the Lord! We have so much to be thankful for this spring!


Sabbath Snaps

Thank you Grandpa and Grandma J. for the train puzzle! Alexander just loves it :)