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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


One Month Old

We had a few studio portraits taken for Aidan's one month milestone. It was a fun little experience, but a few turned out pretty well, and we got several sheets for free!!! We've posted just a couple of our favorites. As always you can't expect them to be a true reflection of this tiny treasure's charm and sweetness. Of course when wooing Muma's heart, there's not much of anything so beautiful.


A2 at the Zoo

Last weekend we made our first trek of the summer down to the Toledo Zoo. It was a grand caravan- Nana, Mama, and (2) tykes, Grammy and Grandpapa- meeting up with Mark, Sam, (2) more tykes, and later Papa. We started off at the polar bears and seals. Alexander was more than overwhelmed at the crowds and activity. (Aidan was quite underwhelmed, asleep in his stroller.) After a revival lunch, some bald eagles and meeting up with Mills, Alexander was rejuvinated and maybe even excited about the whole 'animal' thing. We parused by Elephants, penguins, a sleeping tiger (see pic of sleeping Aidan with sleeping tiger.) some rhinos showing off their elegant bums, birds, bears, and finally the MONKEYS! With each animal, Alexander blessed various members of the crew to push him in the stroller or hold him up high above the fray of holiday visitors for the best view. Aidan took turns sleeping in the snugli or the stroller pushed by Nana or Grammy. Mama bounced between friends and family, camera and tykes and Papa took rotations with Grandpapa in carrying Alex from beast to beast. But it was the Monkeys that Alexander requested over and over until we finally arrived. He was delighted to see a baby monkey riding with his (presumably) mama and 'holding on tight' as she swung from branch to branch. Alexander held Zoobot, his little stuffed monkey, high in his arms with Grandpapa as he introduced him to his monkey 'friends.' Later we watched the gorillas up close behind glass too. It was a fun day, one Alexander had been anticipating all winter long. He loves to look at his zoo map where we circled all the animals that we visited, and he and Nana made their own zoo picture (see upper right corner) complete with stickers and Alex drawn foods of various kinds in each animal's cage. We bought a season pass, so I'm sure we'll be doing plenty more visits this summer, and maybe we'll get through all the animals by the end of the season. Stay tuned for more updates or see more pictures posted on flickr!


Sleepy Needy Little One

We call Aidan our needy little sleepy baby. Even in the womb he's always been jumpy and he flails his arms and startles easily- just always seems a little insecure. Alexander was far from a sleepy or needy baby, and we don't really mind having one this time around, though we've been trying to respond to him and watch better for his signals to help him earn some confidence in us. I suppose part of it is just being a newborn, but Aidan absolutely loves to be held, and many times will cry simply because he's not in someone's arms- awake or asleep. When he falls asleep in your arms, he peeks out of one eye periodically- we think just to make sure you're still there. Or sometimes he'll just hold on to your shirt, your collar, your hair- anything so you can't put him down easily. Muma's gotten so that he'll ride in the sling in the mornings so he can sleep by someone and Alexander still gets a quiet breakfast at a reasonable hour. We've been trying to cut him a little slack and not push him too hard too early as maybe we did for Alexander (he was on a schedule by like 2 weeks) but we have lately given him a couple of 'settling lessons' to help him learn that it's okay to be alone. They are usually pretty loud with comforts from Muma every few minutes.

The one place Aidan loves to sleep, and sleep well he does, is in our bed. He settles right down and snuggles right in under the covers and barely makes a peep. David has this theory that if he slept in our bed every night he'd sleep right through! He's just so adorable in there all snuggled in! Fortunately, he is a good settler at night, taking his nighttime feedings happily and settling back down in his crib next to Muma quite well. But we've posted a couple pics of our little sleepy one just because he's so very cute :).


glug glug glug...


Welcomes and Wishes

We were blessed this weekend with a visit from the great northlands of Minnesota! Grandpa and Grandma J made the trek to bring some love and meet the newest little addition to the family. We enjoyed some good company and yummy food and a few fun treats for Alexander and all around. Aidan was a rather sleepy host, but enjoyed his first bottle with Grandma J, and offered a few of his bright eyed moments in between naps. Alexander was a bit reserved at first but warmed up over time, eventually offering random hugs, showing off his favorite toys, and wanting to wear his yellow vest to match Grandpa J's. (Unfortunately he's also going through an anti-picture phase so we missed him in some of the photo ops.) We wrapped up the visit with an old-fashioned barbeque by the men. Uncle Bill, Aunt Carol, Alison and Ellen joined us for the event Sunday evening to make introductions to baby Aidan and enjoy the good cookin' on the grill. It was good to have a home so full of friends, family, and happy wishes.


Two Weeks Old!

Aidan is now officially two weeks old! At his doctor's appointment he weighed in at 8lbs 11.5 oz and 23 inches long. It's been a wonder getting to know him these past couple weeks. He's a pretty laid-back little guy- sleepy and seemingly reserved. He's still eating every 3-4 hours including at night time which still makes for a sleepy Muma, but he's been opening his eyes brighter and brighter with a bit more wake time every day. He likes to look at the dark shelves in the living room that contrast the light wall, and loves to look at our faces and study us when we smile at him. He's starting to turn his head towards our voices / faces if we call him from another direction. But has known Muma from day one. He's a very content little guy for the most part and loves to rock curled up on your chest, his little cheek nestled close to your neck. What a gift to hold a new little treasure, so tiny, so trusting.


Happy Mother's Day!

We celebrated another very special Mother's Day this year with the new advent of our little Aidan. We'd planned for something low key, but once again another spontaneous Winkler adventure marked its course. David had a couple appointments to run in the morning, but Nana popped over for a pancake (chocolate pancake that is! with strawberries and whipped cream) brunch and some down time before we all piled in the new gray Escape (farewell cherry red Audi twin turbo- sniff sniff) and headed up the "long trip" that Alexander calls it, to Saginaw. He likes the "long trip" because he gets to take his shoes off in the car- it's really a very big deal! We had a really nice visit at Grammy and Grandpapa's house. Brian and Renee had come in for the weekend and even Great-Grandma "Oma," as Alexander calls her, came over for a bit. Alexander got to see Grandpapa's bird's nest out back and play with the little train puzzle toy he loves. After Aidan had his supper, we headed out for some yummy dining with everyone at the restaurant where David's buddy Jeff was working. We enjoyed some more grandson play / oogling time later in the evening before a lateish drive home with two tuckered out boys and a sleepy Mama in the backseat. It was a really happy visit and a chance for Oma and Brian and Renee to meet tiny Aidan and take a slew of pictures :). We have been so very blessed to have family so close by and mothers who love and have loved so richly throughout our lives.


Between two Worlds


Big Brother, meet Baby Brother

Before Aidan arrives, Alex is "practicing" - putting Susie in the carrier

We've been prepping Alexander for months to meet 'the baby.' From counting down months, weeks, days on the calendar, to various stages of babifying the house, to conversations and feeling baby kick from muma's tummy- he knew all about the changes coming to our home. So far, in the past five days he has done amazingly well. He's been so very kind and loving to Aidan and actually a real help to Mummy- getting little things for him here and there, or helping with diaper changes. "Wipe please, Alex." Alex hands a wipe to Muma. "Diaper please, Alex"...

Alexander spent Tuesday and Wednesday at Nana's house while Muma and Papa stayed at the hospital. When he arrived Tuesday afternoon for his first visit, he was cautious and moving slowly (there was also a baby alarm going off in the hallway). It may have worked out best that Aidan was resting in his little crib because Alexander could hop right up on Muma's lap and get his first glimpses of brother from afar. But soon he was eager to hold Aidan- with Muma's help of course- and couldn't help but oogle and google all his little features. He likes to say in this high squeaky voice... "He's soooo tiny!!!" while he touches his nose or fingers or ears.

Happy Birthday Cupcakes- Alex even got to frost himself! | Aidan and Alexander (also in a swaddle) get acquainted

Thursday afternoon Grammy and Grandpapa arrived to welcome Aidan and family home from the hospital and he and Grammy made some "happy birthday" cupcakes for Aidan. He's also got a little dolly, Susie, that often gets fed or changed when Aidan gets fed or changed. And aside from a couple of over-poking, or busy-body-bumping incidents, Alexander has been surprisingly gentle and understanding of baby Aidan's needs and a little less attention from Muma. He's also been blessed with extra doses of Papa Love and fun times with Nana and Grandparents during these first few days. He's been such a great big brother, praise the Lord! We know with time they will be beautiful friends.

Alex feeds Susie while Muma feeds Aidan | Alexander in the PlayDoh Kitchen while Nana and Aidan look on. | Storytime for two boys