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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Three Months

Our tiny Aidan is three months old now! and not so tiny anymore :)! On our scale he weighed in at 14lbs (75th percentile) and 25" long (89th percentile)! It seems like he's been with us for so long, and it's getting harder and harder to remember his newborn days as now he's so alert, smiley, and watching everything that we do. Just today he's decided that he can roll over to his tummy whenever he feels like it, though rolling back to his back is still a bit of chance. He reaches for and bats at his toys, and can grasp them in his hands to manipulate them a bit while almost going cross-eyed doing so. He's happy as a clam in the little 'aquarium' with his feet a-kicking and little hands so very busy, or likes to lie on any soft blanket with things to look at nearby, especially if it's a reflection of himself. He loves to stare at his hands and put them in his mouth. He loves to hold onto a blanket or cloth, a hand, or Muma's hair (grrr...), and he loves to 'chatter' and be talked back to. His favorite word is 'agooo' and the 'ooo' sounds which he says very well. Serena says he said "Mama" the other day, though David calls it more like "two 'ma's in a row."

Aidan just has a very mild and happy spirit. He doesn't often get overly fussy-- generally only when he's overly stimulated/tired or just wants to be held. He'll watch and watch whatever we're doing, and is happy just be a part of the action- even if it's just sitting nearby. It's been a whole new adventure watching Aidan grow into his own little being. We've been able to enjoy each tiny infant phase a bit more, I think, instead of eagerly pushing him towards the next great feat, or constantly measuring him with all the "books." And Aidan has found his own little place in our hearts, with a love unique to himself. He's all ours, and entirely his own at the same time. Sometimes he just takes your breath away... a whole new world of a person is unfolding before us-- with a unique adventure to treasure and brand new delights to discover.


Welcome Haley!

Alexander and Aidan's cousin Haley has been here for the past two weeks, and it's been a lot of fun having three 'kiddos' in the house. We've had a few adventures- a day at the art fair, a trek to Cedar Point, a bit of splashing around, and a shopping extravaganza up at Twelve Oaks. We've also had some quiet time around the house, late-night movies, Monopoly games, and sandbox sittings. We took a ton of pictures, and Haley made a blurb book of pictures of her journey. Alexander has loved having a new friend to play with- from tickles and little people, to play-doh and storytime. And Aidan got to share some of his priceless smiles and meet another new cousin for the first time. We made a few batches of banana bread and a cute little rainbow cake that Serena's been wanting to try for a while. Haley got to meet a few of our good friends, experience a crazy house full of people, and a crazy house full of nobody except us! She even got to help with a few very fun chores :). David recruited Haley for some video game duos and made the neighborhood circuit on a couple bike rides. Serena and Haley enjoyed crafting together and a few evening bookstore meanderings and Starbucks sippings after the tykes were in bed. Such is our life- the chaos and rhythms of our little family that welcomed a new little family member for some days in July. It's been a cozy couch- the five of us settled for "milk and story" and family worship before baby bedtimes- that has a little emptier space now. We'll miss you cousin Haley! You're welcome back anytime!


Fair Day with Friends

After taking a year off, we returned to the Ann Arbor Art Fair again this year, and brought some very good friends along for our crazy ride. Alexander's cousin Haley, and Serena's childhood friends Kathryn and Bridgette arrived in town Wednesday night for Thursday's grand event. The day started off with our typical early-morning riser Mr. Alexander bouncing about the house, and it later added pancakes and chatter with a table full of friends and family. After much ado, the crew finally made it out of the house and down to Briarwood to take the bus shuttle down to the fair. It was to be Alexander and Aidan's very first bus ride. We thought Alexander would be very excited, but with all the commotion with the double stroller, and a full bus of excited fair-goers he was a bit more fussy than 'excited'. We tried to hide the fussies under a whispered song of "The Wheels on the Bus." We got a few smiles out of that one. Serena had missed the fair and it was fun to be down in the hubbub of A2 at it's 'best.' With so many zany people to watch, tykes to manage, friends to reminice and catch-up with, and of course art of all kinds to absorb, it was a feast for the senses and more. We stopped for some smoothies and funny kidney bean ice cream at Bubble Island, and later met up with Nana for a lunch break. And almost everyone came home with a couple treasures by the end of the day. Aidan did amazingly well- snoozy and mild riding in the snugly on Mama's chest. Alexander also enjoyed a little bit of everything (especially the lunch break with friends) but found himself well overstuffed from the 'feast' by the end of the day. After the drama of squeezing us and stuff into Nana's car (instead of bus ride #2), and a refreshing nap, we ventured back to Nana's house for a picnic outside and a few quieter moments to visit with Kathryn and Bridgette. It was a fun, 'high' kind of day that leaves you with a smile on your face, but ready to kick your feet up for sure. But isn't that the nature of the Art Fair? See you again next year!


Chef Alex "Kicks it up a Notch"

We've hired a new chef in our household! With a lovely new hat from Aunt Nancy and birthday apron from Grandpa and Grandma J., he is certainly the most professional looking chef we've ever had. Not only does he mix, measure (roughly), and look absolutely adorable doing it, he'll be the first to sample each of his creations, and share yours with you if you'll let him.

Chef Alex is known to spend time each day in his own little kitchen practicing his culinary skills and developing new recipes. His pretend cakes, cupcakes, and smoothies with the most extraordinary and imaginative ingredients, have become everyday luxuries around our home.

On this fine morning, Chef Alex (with his handy assistant Papa) made pancakes for the family. Not just any pancakes, mind you, but thick fluffy blueberry truck (he called them firetruck) and airplane pancakes. (Thanks again Aunt Nancy, for the supercool molds!) Upon tasting his delicacies, Chef Alex pronounced them good. I think the phrase from Mama was "Scrum-diddly-ump." Later in the day, Aidan agreed with a big smile. Bravo Chef Alex! Keep up the good work.


A Classic Michigan Fourth

This year for the fourth of July weekend, we headed up to The Cottage for a classic holiday weekend with the Schaper fam. It was a marvelously relaxing weekend with nothing but hours for chatting, boating, babying, yummying, and, of course, watching fireworks. Aunt Nancy and the Schāpers got to finally meet baby Aidan and Alexander took turns hopping from person to person to make new memories with everyone. Alex also took his first tour of the lake on the tube with Papa, though he preferred not to go too fast. He went "fishing" with cousin Adam, and flirted with Karen and Alison, blew some bubbles with Aunt Nancy, giggled at Uncle Bill and Uncle Jim's fireworks, read stories with Nana, beach-bummed with Grammy and Grampapa on their Sabbath visit, and generally steered clear of the dogs as much as he could. Saturday night's fireworks from around the lake were a weekend highlight, especially with Uncle Jim's neighbor's spactacular display. Alexander really liked them for quite a while, naming all the colors and talking about the "close" and "faraway" ones. After each set he'd say "they all done now," but then another set somewhere else would go off. Eventually, he had enough of the loud pops, and went inside for a snuggle to sleep in Muma's arms. I don't think I could tell much more story than the pictures could so I'll post a few or check out this slideshow for more. It was a most lovely weekend indeed, with rumors of a repeat for next year. We'll be there! :)