Aidan’s first Christmas Season almost 8 mos
We’ve had some pretty special Christmases the last couple of years, but this one marks another hallmark year as we celebrate Aidan’s very first Christmas. And with the season, he’s had a few little surprises of his own for us as he’s been going through another ‘explosion’ phase of skills, discoveries, and little insights into his character.
- Aidan loves the Christmas tree lights, when we come down the stairs in the morning a big smile dawns on his face.
- Of all places he’s pretty content to sit by the Christmas tree.
The sparkly snowflakes on the tree skirt and the pretty green branches are a major motivator (and frustration) to get him moving.
- Aidan’s spent quite a bit of time riding in the carrier on Muma’s back watching the rolling out of various cookie dough episodes, and sleepily observing all the frosting commotion.
- Alex is so kind to point out to him his presents under the tree and put a few treasures in his stocking. One evening, to much ado, Aidan began to open one of Alexander’s presents. “No snooping!” called Alexander. “That’s my present, Aidan!” as he ran laughing to rescue it just in time.
- Aidan has made the switch to the new car seat from Grammy & Grampapa. Now he gets bundled in coat and hood/hat and shoes just like a big boy when we go out. Though it’s a bit less convenient, he’s certainly a lot lighter!
- We have a scoocher! A backwards scoocher that is… and much to his frustration. He sees his target object and gets up on fours, and finds that his movement takes him farther from his goal than closer to it… then everyone hears about it!
- He’s resolved himself that if required, when necessary, he will hold his own bottle. He doesn’t get them too oft
en, and still much prefers nursing with Muma, so it’s taken us a while to get him to hold his bottle for a meal. (usually he holds it as a messy chew toy) But finally with some training and fussing, he’s given in and held his first relatively neat meal this week.
- He’s got a mouthful of new Christmas teeth. He’s sprouted three top teeth (with more on the way) in just the last week or so. Needless to say, we’ve had some very fussy teething bouts the past several weeks.
- Aidan loves to stand and hold onto the couch. He can pull himself up by holding our fingers, or his crib (still not on the couch yet, though) so of course we’ve lowered the crib a level as well.
- He’s finally ready to move! Until recently, he’s had very little desire to get somewhere new, but with all the holiday commotion and sparkly things in the house, it seems he’s sprouted
some motivation. We’ve had a few crawling lessons, and he can get up on all fours and rock rock rock… Then one hand… splat! Usually followed by frustrated screeches and tears… Soon, little one– very soon!
- He’s got a few little games that he’s started playing on his own. Spontaneous bouts of peek-a-boo (covering his face, then uncovering it quick with a giggle) are now common, specially at nap time when he doesn’t want to sleep but Muma does…, big splashes in the bathtub, experiments with banging, taking toys out of a box/ark and learning to put them in, and his newest trick slapping Muma’s hand.
Aidan is really interactive with other babies his age. He and his buddy Jonathan have great bouts giggling, grabbing, and reaching for each other. In stores or out and about he really focuses on them and smiles with them. When he comes to toys, he also seems more deliberate in his play– taking care with each piece rather than some random unfocused play we’ve seen… before. ahem…
- Aidan has just taken another leap in interacting with us, from new sounds and syllables (mamama, papapa, favorite fish mouth sound), lifting his arms for up and helping get dressed, and giggles, smiles, definite preferences. It’s such a delight seeing what new things he’ll discover next.
Thanks for the many details in this update. It's great to document all hese changes since the time passes so quickly. He has really "turned on to getting into life" lately. It's so amazing how much the mind learns so quickly. He and Alex are daily reminders of God's awesome creative powers. XOXO lmn
What a marvel to read about. . .he sure coming out of his quiet/laidbackness. . .so much to learn and discover yet to come . .what each new achievement will bring . . . sooooo many blessings . . . love to all gma,gpapa