So this week we bit the bullet and decided to try this whole potty training thing out on Aidan. We went through such a rigamaroll with Alexander– treats and monkeys and yada-yada-ya, but have definitely taken the more low-key approach with Aidan. Besides, we’ve learned so far that there are very few motivators to get him to use the potty other than the little satisfaction he gets out of doing what he’s supposed to and high-fives and praises from muma and papa. Marshmallows and other rewards he doesn’t even really want. But he does like to be read stories on the potty, and you can pretty much entice him to come and “sit” with one of his favorites. He will go on he potty whenever he sits down, now we’re just working on getting everything out when he sits down so he doesn’t have leaks in between. It’s Thursday after beginning Sunday afternoon, (and taking Wednesday off for Nana’s house) and he’s still going through pairs of undies every day, but he’s had a couple good encouraging empties today and seems for the most part to really want to wear undies every day and work on this. Big brother Alexander has been an awesome coach, reading to him, encouraging him to sit longer, or just offering to go with him (and of course offering him a marshmallow potty treat and eating it himself when Aidan doesn’t want it). But Aidan’s so proud of himself when he’s dry for an extensive period of time, and will sometimes willingly report when he’s not. But I suppose that we’re just hoping that that “click” day comes sooner rather than later… Oh the joys… 😛
2 thoughts on “Aidan’s Great Potty Experiment”
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I still associate the Blue Train, Green Train Thomas book with Alex here at potty time. It will likely be that or another Thomas for Aidan. Alex is indeed a good encourager. Love these little guys to pieces (or “to the quasars and back”)!
Oh the joys/frustrations of this next phase of childhood. . .Aidan is quick, he’ll catch on and be dry before too much longer . . . .then be 2down and 1to go with next little Winkler yet to come. 🙂 Love to all. . .