This has been a huge summer for our little Alexander. He’s lost two bottom teeth, turned into an underwater fish, and learned to ride a two-wheeler! It was a struggle to get him to ride the bike with training wheels– and then to take them off??? What??? Muma couldn’t run with him on a consistent basis with a babe to push and another training-wheeled boy to help and it took much coaxing and encouraging to get him to even make the effort with Papa at the helm. But after two months of moaning and groaning, Alexander and Muma took a special day afternoon and zoom– we’ve been barely able to contain him since. He loves to ride around the court with Aidan and his friends (Aidan, still so in love with his Speed birthday bike)– around and around he goes. He tests various launch techniques and curb approaches, turning radii (?), and stopping without tipping over. Camping at Traverse City, he loved to ride back and forth on the stretch by our site, and around the grounds with anyone who would take him… again. And now that he’s heading into first grade, it’s hard to believe this babe has done so much growing up in just a couple short weeks. You’re off, Alexander! Godspeed to you!
Alexander’s Amazing Summer

Look at you go, zoom-zoom, WOW. . . we’ll make a trip over to Kensington Park and ride around there. . .you’ll really love it. What a marvelous summer this has been. . . Love grammy, gpapa