Beach Date with a Buddy

This week Alexander took his first trek down to Berrien to visit the newest buddy in town. We left in time for Alexander to take his morning nap most of the way down, and arrived to see our beautiful friend Holly just in time for lunch. It was so very good to see her and have some girly time to chat and hang out in simple things. She showed us all around her lovely new spot, swapped baby stories, did some catch-up, and headed out to Grand Mere Beach for two “first-Lake-Michigan-Experiences.”

Robby B. is just about eight weeks old and it was quite the adventurous day for him. After some initial fears of the new beach sounds, and calming from mommy, he mostly just enjoyed rocking in the shady stroller on the sand, with occasional snacks and washcloth-on-head. Alexander took to the sand, stones, and water immediately. With his little shovel he filled his bucket with various combinations of the above, and loved watching the waves roll over his feet. Mama and babe headed out into the water more than a couple times to cool off and take a couple of dips much to Alexander’s surprise and delight. He would bask on the towel to dry off and warm up, and then head back to the water’s edge for more stone hunting, digging, wave wading with Mama…

We rounded out the evening at Mama’s favorite park which now has a monstrous playground built just in time for Alexander to play! Sarah came out to join us, for a little chit chat amidst baby-chasing, and we finished up with subs chez les Fustés. On the way out we took a paruse through Andrews and showed Alexander all the fabulous places he could learn amazing things. “And if you to become a musician you can study here… or if you’d rather be a teacher, this building is for you…” We were on a late departure so we didn’t stop for any pictures but, I’m quite certain we’ll be back for a more royal tour sometime. Needless to say a very weary traveler slept all the way home. It was a good day: Good sunshine, good friends. Every good and perfect gift is from above…”James 1:17

2 thoughts on “Beach Date with a Buddy

  1. Oh, what a delight! Beaches with babies (kids) are so awesome. Won’t be that long (next summer) and Robbie will be splashing along beside you with the mamas trying to keep up; and, who knows, maybe a Fuste will join the pack by then. (no pressure intended, Sarah, if you read this) What a wonderful and full day you had – first of many, I pray. XO Nana

  2. What a exciting adventure that was for Alexander. . . looks like he had such great fun exploring the shoreline. Holly’s little one is a real cutie. . Alexander you’ll have lots of buddies to grow up with==that is treasure beyond measure. Momma and Pappa will get you well aquanted with Andrew’s so you can plan to attend there when you are almost all growd up Alex. So glad the day and travel was uneventful. Love yas GmaGpa

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