sabbath playtime

this week we enjoyed a quiet sabbath at home.  i took alexander to sabbath school as a muma and alex ‘date’ while papa and aidan had a quiet morning.  alex was happy and participative, and for the first time said his memory verse in front of mrs. rorabeck (though still in my ear).  after a lovely lunch we just enjoyed some quiet moments playing together.  these are some of my favorite moments.  everyone in the living room, a few toys scattered about.  happy brothers playing together.  light streaming in the windows…

2 thoughts on “sabbath playtime

  1. Really love these little clips into the daily homey moments. . .this new blog site allows for so much more doesn’t it. Enjoy hearing Alex explain to papa ‘how’ to correctly build his vaccuum 🙂

  2. Love hearing Alex talk! What a nice homey moment. Hope to hear more talking ones in their cute little voices.

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