With every rain, this little boy is outside before it barely stops- ready to hit the mud and the trucks. If it’s been dry he’ll ask to haul out the hose and make his own mud. Sometimes he has a brother join him, but even playing on his own, he’s out there with his trucks in the dirt and mud for hours, driving around, washing them off, covering them again. He’s usually pretty good about asking first– “me play muddy?” but more than once comes in the house surprisingly(???) filthy when Muma is ready to load out for an event or errands. (grrrr). Oh my, too much fun!
This little boy loves MUD!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this littlest Winkler, such ‘totally boy’, yet so endearing, loving, tender w/his brothers. Can’t begin to name the depth of blessings he brings to our lives.