A journey around the world

Well, we are embarking upon a new journey this year.  With Alexander returning to school, we only have two little ones left in our homeschool.  But our sweet second grader and Pre-Kindgergartener are in for a super-fun year.  Aidan loves ships, so our theme this year is “A Learning Adventure.”  And along with our My Father’s World – Exploring Countries & Cultures curriculum, we’ll be “traveling around the world” visiting different continents and discovering various countries, cultures, and environments.  I think that I am most excited about the year at this point, but the boys are pretty interested in the idea of sailing around the world.  Lucas is excited that Alex’s old desk will now be his desk, and has been busy filling it with his favorite pencils, erasers, fresh markers and supplies, including the coveted red scissors he kept trying to snitch from Alex all last year.  Aidan has been pretty interested as the packages of textbooks have arrived at the door, and he’s especially intrigued by the Atlases and other geography supplies we’ll be spending the year with.  He’s my little mapman.


But after today’s first (and easy day) we’re off to a great start!  I’ll try to add more details about our year as we go along.  We miss our big brother in school but know that he’s happy to be off with new friends, and a new teacher of his own.  Thank you, Lord for these sweet and blossoming little minds.  May they continue to increase in wisdom and stature and in favor with others and our God!


