Last month we welcomed a new addition to our family, an eight week old kitten we named Lulu! You can hold her one hand, but Lulu is one crazy kitten! At first very shy, she trembled in the back corner of her carrier when three excited boys reached in to draw her out; but now that she’s gotten used to all the activity in our home, she has joined right in! She races about and attacks everything in sight- hands, feet, toys (cat or kid), tail, even our hair. She has a lot to learn, and we are trying to train her gently not to bite and use her claws, but she is truly crazy! Still, she has her sweet snuggly moments. She likes to be up on our shoulder and will sometimes cry with her pathetic tiny “mew” at our feet to be picked up to climb up to our shoulder perch and snuggle into our necks with a purring that is louder then her meow. She is litter box trained very well (though we put little block steps to help her get in and out, she’s so small), and she is one good eater!
Tatou is less than impressed. While first hissing, and refusing to even be in the same room as the new kitten, with Lucas’ sweet little prayers, Tatou will now tolerate her. She still throws in some hisses and strikes if Lulu gets any inkling of play or invasion of personal space. We make sure Tatou gets lots of love.
Another thing about Lulu though is that she’s certainly a great car traveler. She went to church her first Sabbath with us (she stayed in the children’s Sabbath School room) as we didn’t want to leave her home all alone. She’s also traveled up to Saginaw to visit Grammy and Grampapa. Earlier this month we even took Lulu on our last camping trip of the season. She had a great time in the camper- playful most of the day, and slept while we were gone.

She’s brought so many smiles and laughter from these three boys. We love Tatou a great deal, but as she’s getting older (13 years old now!) she does a lot of sleeping, and is less cuddly than ever. The boys are happy to have a playful little creature. They carry Lulu all around and love to chase with her, dangle her feathers and give her kisses. During school time, she joins us in the classroom, at meal time, she joins us at the table (we’re still working on that one). Lulu is definitely a fun little blessing and bundle of bounce in our home. As we keep training her and she grows up a little bit, I’m sure she’ll settle down to a cat Muma and Papa can appreciate a little more. For now, we’re enjoying our tiny kitten and having a new little ‘baby’ in the house again.
Lulu is certainly the lively one! She’s starting to come out more frequently when I visit and is quite a show, but I’ve also snuggled her a few times.