The Reason

We loved this year’s Christmas program. It was written by Chea and by Alex and all the friends that had their input. We were blessed to be able to have a Christmas program this Covid year, as many churches have barely reopened.

The students had a grand time in the production of the skit that told the story of Jesus birth, life, and death for them. From making sure all the students were miked, to running for quick costume changes, the kids’ energy and passion for their play and their Lord was a blessing to the church family.

Aidan was particularly proud to play the part of Jesus, and took his role very seriously. It was lovely to see him rise to the occasion and shine for Jesus. Lucas took on the role of the Blind Man as well as Joseph. And Alex played the modern boy John in the library as well as a pharisee.

Praise the Lord for Adventist Education and the light these little ones shine for our Lord this holiday season!