What's Cookin' Good Lookin'?

First Grade

8-19-2013 first day of first grade (4e)_LRxs

Today was a huge wrap-up for Alexander’s Amazing Summer as he fluttered out of the nest for his first day of first grade.  He picked his (favorite color) yellow shirt, and geared up with his backpack, lunchbox, (Zoobot), and two bags of excitedly purchased school supplies.  He was nervous and reluctant.  We’d been downplaying but encouraging him in his school anticipations over the past several weeks, and he was familiar with the campus as he’d visited for open house and we’d attended church there a couple times this summer.  But his little feathers were all a-ruffle this morning as we settled him in is cool new desk, chatted with his teacher (who taught Serena in seventh grade!!), and showed Zoobot the locker where he’d be hanging out for the day.

8-19-2013 first day of first grade (7e)xs 8-19-2013 first day of first grade (15e)xs


But he made the farewell without tears, and when yes.. the whole crew picked him up from school (that is Papa, two brothers, and Nana) he was not the least bit embarrassed but excited to see all and show us all around his classroom and desk.  He had flying stories all afternoon, his tour of the school, eating lunch at his desk (and he gets a snack!), doesn’t have to take a nap like the Kindergarteners, made a friend, played train at the top of the monkeybars and slid on the pole all the way down, read all of his teacher’s words except two, showed off his workbooks, gets to have reading time in a TENT!, and on and on…  I suppose that our tradition of Ice Cream on the First Day was a nice wrap-up to the day, and then coming home to a favorite supper meal and a backyard full of friends and water balloons made everything okay in the end.

Before bed tonight he admitted he was a little excited about school tomorrow… and then a moment later, didn’t want to go at all, and then was talking about having a fun day in school tomorrow, and then wishing he was home with Muma…  It’s okay to feel mixed up about it, Alexander.  Pretty soon you’ll be looking forward to seeing all your friends again, loving showing off all the new things you know, and building school set-ups at home.  And like Papa says– even if you don’t, you still get to do it for the next 16 years of your life, so buck-up, little bird- you have a long flight to go!



2 thoughts on “First Grade

  1. My heart and my prayers were with you all day, Alex. You looked nervous and brave at the same time in your picture, and I knew it wouldn’t be too long before you were feeling right at home and comfortable and cheerful and happy. You already like to learn and do new things; this is the beginning of a new learning adventure. Have fun, work hard, and praise the Lord you can go to a Christian school. Much, much love and joy from teacher Nana!

  2. Oh, my precious 1st Gson, you have started the next phase of childhood. . . and you are sooooo very ready for it. Yes as muma says okay to feel mixed feelings going to school or being home but your fantastic muma & papa (nana too)have prepared you well. Savor every new adventure, create many new memories & friends. Know that Jesus is with you every moment your angel too. Climb high my VERY SPECIAL Gson your abilities have no boundaries. . . us old folks will sit back and enjoy watching you continue to grow into a servant for Jesus. . . much love, daily prayers. grammy, gpapa

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