Little Fruit Monster!
With two new top teeth to show off, Alexander has been delighting his bite with the tasting of “real people” fruits. Yummm! He’s enjoyed cherry (good but messy), banana (one his favorites from papa), apple, peeled grape, and raspberry (not a favorite). We are afraid that he is beginning to Continue Reading
“Yummmm… I love carrots!” Said Alexander to Mama and Papa after his first bite of the squash-tasting puree. (Yes we had to try it too, right after a healthy portion of Dutch Apple Desert.) In spite of the fact that carrots probably stain, Alexander still found himself orange-faced at the Continue Reading
Alexander’s First Food! Alexander seemed ecstatic at the idea of indulging his senses in the delicacies of this new rice cereal. He could barely contain his excitement over the idea of eating like mama and papa. In fact, he’s been making his best efforts to sneak a snitch of their Continue Reading