Last weekend we headed over to Pinckney Recreation Area for another family camping adventure. I don’t know if it was such the relaxing and laid-back weekend as our anniversary getaway sans munchkins, but it’s always fun to watch them in their adventures and wonder at all their new experiences. We didn’t camp at all last summer, so although Alexander has some vague memories that we still chat about, it’s still such a novelty to him. It was Aidan’s second weekend out in the ‘wild’ and he did quite a bit better this time now that he can walk. But he confirmed our conclusion from May’s expedition- he’s still our little city boy. Even so, by the end of the weekend, he was trundling around just fine in his little bare feet, throwing acorns like his big brother and going in and out, in and out of the tent door like a pro. He only ‘drove’ the car once on Sabbath, and we even managed to squeeze a few smiles out of him in the lake in between his perpetual ‘buh!” (His word for I want that…) and pointing to shore. Alexander reveled in the campfire moments, and snuggling into his sleeping back late at night with his glow sticks in-hand. David took him out to see the stars at the lake late one night, and he had many firefly tales to tell muma upon his return. We introduced a new little ‘training scooter’ to him when we arrived (he’d loved it trying it out at the store a few weeks earlier) and he rode it up and down the road by our site, and down (well about half-way for muma to carry the rest of the way) to visit our friends the Mills who were camping a few sites away. We enjoyed some Sabbath meals with our friends, and of course some quality playground time with all four boys. David also brought his birthday bike trailer which worked wonders for family rides visiting, and (that along with the stroller) putting Aidan to sleep in his excited exhaustion. It was a good time. And though sometimes it seems like an awful lot of work for a couple nights by a fire, I’m quite sure the memories and experiences for the little ones are entirely worth it. We’ve got one more grande famille trip planned for September- I think we should be rested up and ready for some more s’mores by then :).
A Camping We Will Go…

Looks like all had a relaxing/fun time of it. Looking very much forward to the Sept camping trip. This does create the BEST memories of childhood experiences and just know that both Alex & Aidan are so very blessed to have parents that always seek out ways to give them the best in life of the most important things ‘their time, and time in nature’. love to all grammy and grpapa
How cute! I was thinking of you that weekend and how thankful I am for the fun experiences you had camping as a kid, Serena; and now that love of the outdoors and God’s creation is getting passed on to your kids. These experiences leave indelible memories: the sights, smells, morning light in the dew with the bird songs, campfire smells, sounds, and tastes; starry nights and fireflies; sand between the toes and water up the nose; the water pump and heavy buckets; tent zippers (sounds and tugging); snuggly sleeping bags with people noises outside. The photos capture things well. Looking forward to the family outing. God is soooo good!!!