This fall marked big changes for the boys. After nearly 7 years of treks to Gym America, we said goodbye to these favorite training grounds and began new classes at Infinity Gymnastics in Brighton. Aidan had decided that he was ready for a break from gymnastics, but Alex and Lucas’ new gym is closer to home, and training schedules don’t have the Sabbath conflict! Lucas jumped right in to the Boys 1 class that has a track for steady improvement (rather than a simple “rec” class), and Alexander was invited to join the Junior Olympic Team! This JO program is a step up from the “Star” team where he previously competed for ribbons, but now will be scored on the international code of points– earning numbered competitive scoring. We’re really excited for his new opportunity. While the 4-hour 2x/week practice seemed a little intense to him at first, he’s really jumped right in. He says it goes fast and he likes the discipline and (I think a little more pressure / incentive) chance to improve and compete his new skills. He was training on skills from levels 4-6, so when placed in level 5 it seemed a great fit for him.

“It’s hard to leave a great gym and an awesome Christian coach, but we can see the hand of the Lord guiding and working all things together for good and- as we continue to pray, for His glory! We’re looking forward to a fun year, Alex and Lucas! May God continue to grow you in discipline, physical strength, ever developing skills to build His Kingdom! “Gymnastics today, Character for Life.”
2012- 5 years old Aidan with Miss Jamie. 2013 Aidan in the boys’ class with Coach Kurtis. 2014 Alex and Aidan trained together for a year. 2014 Just Hangin’ Out. GA used this pic in several promo graphics. Level 4 Fun Meet with all blue ribbons! 2016 Lucas in Kindergarten Gymnastics with Coach Kurtis 2017 Getting Better! 2017 Alex and Coach Kurtis