This is the house that Nana Built…
David may be an amazing basement finisher, but this little house that Nana built out of the car-seat box (yup- he’s in a big boy car seat now, bye bye baby carrier!), has won grins and laughs unlike any pricey toy we’ve seen so far. He loves to go inside Continue Reading
Babe to Bethlehem
The other day we took Alexander for little stroll through Bethlehem. Strangely enough it only took about 15 minutes to get there and there must have been something special going on in town because there were so many familiar faces everywhere we turned. It wasn’t until the gossiping salon lady Continue Reading
This One Belongs to God
Place My words on your hearts. Get them deep inside you. Tie them on your hands and foreheads as a reminder. Teach them to your children.Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street;talk about them from the time you get up in the morning Continue Reading
Happy Birthday Nana!
Last Friday, we celebrated Nana’s birthday with the Johnsons and a great hamburger grill and picnic outside. Alexander and Nana have become grand buddies the past couple of weeks as they get to spend some quality time together while Mama works three days a week. They play and chat together Continue Reading
Our First Mothers’ Day
During breakfast, David headed out to “get a newspaper” and shortly thereafter, Alexander and I heard the doorbell ring. Because we were (he was) in the middle of eating we decided our visitor would just have to come back later. Persistent though, he was, and after the third ring, We Continue Reading
Sabbath Stroll at Gallup Park
Spring is finally here! It’s been so gorgeous the past few days we’ve just had to get outside! We took our first walk around Nana’s neighborhood on Friday and made the monumental first trek out to Gallup Park Sabbath afternoon. Gallup parks holds a special place in our history from Continue Reading
One Week Ago…
One week ago today we came home from the hospital! We celebrated this momentous event with our first bath (rather loud indeed) with Nana’s help, some play time in the aquarium :), and a nap of course!
Nana Time
It’s been so very nice to have Nana home with us for several days his first week. She’s been so excited about her little grandson, passing along the news and pictures to everyone, and it’s been wonderful to have her accessible and helpful with little errands and time with Alexander. Continue Reading