Aidan on Two Feet
Create your own video slideshow at We’ve got a new little bi-ped in the house! We’re so excited to have Aidan finally toddling about the house. But I don’t think there’s any more pleased than he. He was already trying to keep up with the older boys at Sabbath Continue Reading
(pre)Walking and Talking… (and squalking…) oh my!!!
As Aidan approaches his first birthday (still 3 weeks to go), he’s decided the past couple of weeks that it’s time to unveil some new tricks. Lest you be decieved by the title, he’s is not yet walking but is certainly doing his devoted share of cruising- cruising along furniture, Continue Reading
We’ve Got a Walker!
It’s official! Alexander has declared himself the newest little biped in the house! Not long after he was wobbily standing (late November), he was taking an uncontrolled step or two here or there. At Christmas time, he could cruise around- his feet playing catch up with his leaning torso in Continue Reading
Cutest Little Cruiser in Town
And he’s off!!!! Well, he’s been “off” for a couple of weeks now and it’s taken us this long to catch up with him on the blog! Alexander is on the move! He now officially crawls fast enough to keep up with the kitty when she’s trying to get away Continue Reading